
18 Week Update

Guess what? It's time for another update!

How far in: 18 weeks.
Baby is the size of a/an: Bell pepper.
Feeling: Tired. Something about this past week has left me wiped out.

Total weight gain: Still not much.
Wearing: Leggings 24/7. They are so comfy and make life so much more enjoyable!
Sleep: I love sleep. I'm trying to stockpile it before Baby gets here.
Missing: ???
Not Missing: My period. ;)

Next doctor's appointment: Next week. Excited to hear more about Baby!
Movement: None yet.
Food cravings: Sugar in general. Canned fruit has been my go-to.
Labor signs: None.
Looking forward to: Nesting and and holding my Baby! ...and seeing Ryan melt as he gets to know Baby. ;)

The General Women's Meeting was awesome.

 I went to the Temple.

 Bubsie and I had a movie date, courtesy of family that gave us movie passes. :)

 We got all the junk to eat. We saw The Maze Runner movie: Scorch Trials. It was so jumpy and I was stressing out! It was really good though. I was especially impressed that there was no nudity, no real gore/intense violence, and minimal innapropriate language! FTW!

 Mother, Little Miss and I went to the Loomis Eggplant Festival, which amazingly had no eggplants anywhere. (Minus two food trucks that had fried eggplant)

 There was some fun stuff to look at. Like these pretty bird feeders and hummingbird feeders! This gal made them using things she found at thrift stores! I mean, how cute is that teapot one?!

 General Conference was soooo good! We ate all manner of goodies at my parents' house. This lovely concoction was a Pumpkin Frap. (coffee-free)

 We went to Fight Night at Buffalo Wild Wings. It had been too long since the last time we went! It was pretty blah except for the title fight. Alexander Gustafsson got the crap beat out of him in the first two rounds and kept fighting until the end! Even though he lost, it was a win in my book!

 The female MMA fighters always amaze me. They're so tough and they end up in these weird holds where they just look like a tangle of limbs and I'm always left trying to figure out what belongs to who!

 Back to General Conference. These two brothers made my heart soar with this sweet gesture. Read about them here.

 I love it!

All the yums! 

 We made caramel apples!

 I still can't get over how cute they look all bagged up with their little bows!

My super sweet friend and I had a lovely exchange...and then she sent me this after I told her about a struggle that I've been going through. What a sweetie. She gets me on a level that not many others do. Hearts!

Memes That I Love:

Thankful Thursday: our Baby, technology, sweet friends that share so much love with me, my sweet Ryan, blessings in disguise, pink sunsets, soft pillows and warm blankets, hot water, my Heavenly Father that is always listening, even when I feel like what I have to say isn't worth listening to, saving Temple ordinances.

Hearts to you all! I hope you have felt as uplifted by General Conference as I have!
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