
30 weeks update

We've done some cool stuff since I last posted!

Adam's 1st Sacramento Kings basketball game

Not So Silent Night concert (feat. Foster The People, Weezer & The Killers)

Oakland Temple Trip with the youth in my ward. (Leader pic)

Adam is growing up so fast! 
(Right pic: 22 month birthday)

We had our first EVER family pictures taken! 
I'm soooo excited to see how they turn out!
(also, thank goodness for Pinterest for giving me tons of inspo for our pics!)

Pregnancy Updates:

How far in: 30 weeks. (whaaaaattt???)

Baby is the size of a/an: Cantaloupe!

Feeling: Really good! I've had tons of energy lately, which has been so nice since I've been able to do tons of nesting!

Wearing: Bundled up as of late because its been on the chillier side. I am loving this weather!

Sleep: Getting lots of sleep, as my go-go-go routine tends to poop me out by the end of the day! (Ha)

Movement: Baby Boy is kicking up a storm! This kid is just like Adam was- super active! 

Food cravings: Sugar! I've been eating lots of fresh fruit lately and its been awesome for helping with my sugar cravings. ;)

Looking forward to: Meeting our sweet baby boy! (Is it April 6th yet??)

If you need me, I'll be over here drooling over baby pics of Adam 
to get me through the next few months 
of waiting for our Guy to make his appearance!!!


