
25 Weeks Update

You guys! This Baby is my favorite! I love talking to Baby and Baby kicks in response! :D

Prego OOTD:

I love love love this shirt! (My grandma, Mimi, gave me a Zulily giftcard! Thanks, Mimi!)


How far in: This week marks week 25!

Baby is the size of a/an: Zucchini! According to my app, Baby is about 13.6 inches from head to heel! How cool is that?

Feeling: Sleepy. 

Weight Gain: I actually don't own a scale, so I only make note when the nurse takes my weight at the doctor's office. 

Wearing: Leggings.

Sleep: Loving it.

Missing: Being able to get out of bed easier. I'm already having trouble beding over to put on my shoes. #PregnancyProblems 

Next doctor's appointment: Second week in December. 

Movement: A lot. :) This is my favorite part!

Food cravings: Late night sugar cravings! It's hard to not give in!

Looking forward to: Meeting our Baby!


Alex (my brother) received his Endowments on Friday!!! It is so fun to see him grow!

My dad came into town (for Alex's Ordination and Endowment) and took us to Ikea to buy us some things for the house! We looked at lots of cool stuff, like these tables!

 Dad bought us this cute little mobile for Baby's room!

 All these gingham pillows reminded me of Tricia. :)

 We ended up buying a few bar stools for our breakfast bar and a few things for the Nursery. Dad & I decided that Ryan was like the Hulk because he carried these two giant boxes like they were nothing. 

 Weekly Obsessions:

These Memes:

Thankful (Early) Thursday: friends and family who keep me grounded, the kindness of others, our Baby, Steady income, our Home, the weather, the beautiful colors of the changing leaves, sunsets, my sweet Ryan, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you have a super great holiday!

What are you thankful for?

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