Our sweet little baby has hit some major milestones recently! We are so excited for Baby's arrival in March!
Baby Updates:
- I was trying to fall asleep, and I felt the Baby kick for the first time last week! It was so cool! Then I started talking to Baby and he/she would kick in response. Of course, as soon as Ryan came in the room, I made him put his hand on my belly, but sweet, little Baby wouldn't kick. Talk about stubborn! ;) Since that day, Baby has been kicking a ton! (Thankfully, Baby mellows out from bedtime-wake up time)
How far in: 21 weeks!
Baby is the size of a/an: Carrot!
Feeling: So excited!!!
Total weight gain: Still not a lot. I hide it pretty well.
Wearing: Loose fitting clothes! I've felt pretty round as of late.
Sleep: Loving it!
Missing: Normal pants.
Next doctor's appointment: In a few weeks!
Movement: Yes! Baby has been kicking up a storm!
Possible future jobs for baby: I think Baby will be an MMA fighter, kickboxing instructor, or professional soccer player! Ryan is convinced that Baby will be a basketball player because he/she has strong legs which equals being a good jumper!
Food cravings: Sugar!
Looking forward to: Nesting, meeting Baby in March!!!
Weekly Obsessions:
Thankful Thursday: Eternal families, fall weather, technology, hugs, our Baby, holidays with family and friends, opportunities for growth, prayer, faith.
Weekly Obsessions:
- Halloween
Our costumes.
I went as a "bun in the oven" and Ryan went as the Swedish Chef from the Muppets. CLICK HERE to watch one of Ryan's favorite Swedish Chef videos.
My parents' costumes.
My sister's costume.
These over-sized boxes of candies.
This meme.
This meme.
This meme!
This meme too.
Thankful Thursday: Eternal families, fall weather, technology, hugs, our Baby, holidays with family and friends, opportunities for growth, prayer, faith.