
SnapChat, Blink 182 & Play Dates.

Prepare yourself for a ton of pictures. Incoming photo dump.

Oh this face!

 You guys. Have you heard of Tuft & Needle? Because we got their CalKing mattress and we looooove it! It is the most comfortable thing and very inexpensive! Go buy yours now. You won't regret it.

 Riley got baptised! It was a very good day.

 You're welcome.

 My very good friend, Chloe invited us on a double to a concert and it was so fun! (Total bonus: she got the tickets for free from her uncle who runs the show AND they were VIP and we were seated in the 9th row!) We saw Glass Animals (weird), Empire of the Sun (great show, costumes comparable to the Electrical Parade), Jimmy Eat World (very good live) and Blink 182 (so so fun to dance to!)

 Ryan bought Adam his own wireless keyboard and mouse. 
"He's going to be a gamer, so I might as well start him off young."
So it begins...

Happy 9 months, Bub! 
He now can crawl and his fave toys are his little kitchen and play food. 
He's a foodie already.

 Little Ryan.

 We took a girls trip to the Ballet. 
My heart just about exploded and I cried. 
Because it was that good.

 We had a play date with my friends and their kiddos. These two are a funny pair. Right before I took this pic, Asher took Adam's toy so Adam grabbed him and pushed him down. (Not sure where he got that from) Their faces were cracking me up!

 This was Adam the whole play date. 
He could care less about being social and just crawled all over. 

I love these guys and their littles! 
We have so much fun together!

So there you have it. That's been our lives the past two-ish months. 
So Merry Christmas, everyone! 
I can promise you that there will be 100 pics of Bub dressed as an elf 
coming soon.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day of cooking and making tamales for our 2nd Annual TamaleFest! 
(This year I even branched out and made my own masa!)
Ryan has been working very hard to plan it all to the tee
He is such a foodie.
And that's why I love him.
That and his butt. 

So anyways have a great holiday, friends!

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