I feel like everyone around us is having milestones left and right! (You'll see what I mean once you read this)
In case you didn't know, the past month is prime-prom time. Little Miss got this super pretty dress in preparation for John Adams' Academy's Formal this upcoming weekend.
This is Hazel. I met her when I attended her baptism two weekends ago. I helped out her family (not blood, but definitely family) by prepping for the pre-Senior Ball dinner they put together for Hazel, Avery (family) and their friends.
I even got to do the girls' hair! Hazel's hair turned out so great!
I did Amelia's hair too. She looked so glamorous!
Her dress was beyond beautiful!
I did Avery's hair too. Her dress was killer!
Hazel is a lovely girl! I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with her about her life and her conversion while I did her hair! Bonus: Ryan & I get to teach her the new member lessons! I'm so excited!
Sister Faught and Steph Johnson did a beautiful job with the decor! It looked like a wedding reception! (I told this to the girls and then said "Today is your day. But if anyone proposes to you tonight: just say no!" They thought it was pretty funny...because I am funny...hilarious actually...)
I joked with their male friend that he was supposed to take them all to Senior Ball because their dates were late. Ha.
They all looked so gorgeous! I'm so glad I got to be a part of their special day!
I got to hang out with my new friend, Sarah, and her cute kiddos. We had so much fun!
Ryan worked on my car for a whole week.
My dad, Shauna, Teenie Weenie Hut/Justin, Lex & Sam were in town (for Big Boy's Court of Honor), so we went to dinner at our fave place: Chang Brothers.
Sam told us this story that went along with him making his napkin into a chicken,
He taught Little Miss how to do it too.
My fortune cookie was empty...it felt pretty ominous...
Per Lex's personality: instead of using a cellphone to take a picture, she had a wind up camera. It was super funny!
...and per Dad's personality, he had a selfie stick for his GoPro,
Ryan didn't want Little Miss to be in the picture. Brat.
We sang and air-guitar'd along with the radio.
Little Miss was not amused.
...and the my sweet Ryan worked on my car again! He really is the best...
Big Boy's big day finally arrived! After church, we met up with fam at Mother/Jeffrey's house and played Heads Up. That game is one of my faves!
...and took selfies of course. Us girls LOVE selfies.
Little Miss is super talented! She painted this!
...and Ryan is a sass per usual.
We called Grandma Sally! Little Miss said "This is your favorite granddaughter!" and Grandma said "This must be Alyssa!" We laughed so hard. I can't believe she admitted she has a favorite!
Big Boy's Cour of Honor was perfect! I must have watched his slideshow of pics like 15 times...
It was so fun to catch up with friends from our old ward, like XanderGreen! Congrats, Eagle-Scout-Big-Boy!
I went to a surprise party for Sue (she's in our ward). Her husband brought her there blindfolded so we could surprise her! It was so fun to meet people from the ward!
The food was super good too!
I went to the wedding reception of a family friend, Jesse. He was a hoot when he danced at our wedding reception, so I figured I owed him the same...and boy did we dance! It was the most fun I'd had in a long time!
I made lasagna. It turned out pretty good. I learned some new tricks for next time. (like: buy the right noodles. Ha.)
we spoke to Ryan's little bro, Elder Beddes, who's serving in Hermasillo, MX, on Mother's Day!
It was fun to talk with him. He and Ryan were super sassy towards each other per usual.
Quotes about families.
I love this!
Memes/pics I find.
Ryan liked this one.
...and this one. I sent this to Ryan because he was in the bathroom and I had to pee really bad. Ha.
Mother sent this to me from Disneyland! I was super happy. She seems too sassy in this pic though. She's not hardly sassy in the movie...
Tricia in this hat.
Guess what day she wore this...? (We're really P.C. in our office)
Not really an obsession, but its pretty interesting.
This quote.
I love love love this!
Thankful Thursday: honeydew/melons in general, electricity/running water, my Mother! , temple covenants, my sweet Ryan, the freedoms I have, suitable shoes, the Atonement.