I feel like I've had some really great aha moments since we've moved. I have so been enjoying Sunday school in our new ward & I feel like I have learned so much. I have become more aware of the people around me. Of their individuality & needs. I feel like everything I've learned in church whether in a lesson or in a thought someone shares in a passing conversation, I feel like it's all for a reason. Within the last 5 years, I have come to realize just how important every little thing is. I might not realize it at the time, but everything that happens to me is for a reason. Some things I have to search a little harder to try & find what that reason is.
I've been trying to be more repentant & receptive to the Spirit on the daily. When I find myself feeling irritated or contentious, I have been trying to immediately say a prayer & ask to be able to let go of those feelings & be happy. I am trying to always apply the Atonement in my life. Sometimes it's easier than others. Sometimes I don't want to let go of these feelings & want to focus on how I was wronged or be frustrated. I'm working on it.
I've been trying to frequently pray to feel love for those around me. Whether in traffic or at work or at the grocery store, I pray to feel love for others & ask for the ability to be able to show them love. When I commute to work, I try to make space to let other people into my lane at least a few times each day. It's the little things.
I am trying to be a better listener. It's never been my strong suit. I have been trying to practice this daily, especially when at work. As you may know, I have a very different type of job- I'm a Chiropractic Assistant. I have opportunities to serve people all day long. I've noticed how when I'm in a sour mood, I miss opportunities to share my love with others. I have been really trying to listen. Really listen. It's amazing how people respond to that! I have learned things that I never knew about the people I see often. Things that I would have otherwise missed, had I not taken the time to ask & to listen. You guys! People just want to be heard! I feel so silly because this seems so obvious now, but it's true! Take the time to listen to someone today!
I am trying to be better at communicating with others. My career is one that needs constant communication because things happen really fast in our office & can change at the drop of a hat. I am trying to be better at clearly communicating my intentions & updating people around me of what I've done & what needs to happen next. I am trying to get better at using "I feel" statements & not pointing fingers & making accusatory statements. I feel like I've improved leaps & bounds since I started seeing my therapist. She rocks at helping me with this.
I am trying to remember that I can't control other people. I can only control myself, which can be very trying sometimes. I'm trying to improve by doing what I can to make things easier, such as: I can plan ahead for the entire week instead of just the following day, I can pray for strength. I can focus on my life 1 week at a time. I can focus on enjoying each moment & living in each moment. I can do my best to help & serve & LOVE others. I can smile. I can be strong. I can apply the Atonement in my own life. I can focus on not just being good, but being better & striving for the best. I want to be the best version of myself.
I am striving to develop patience, positivity in the face of trials, being a better friend, being a more consistent friend, being a better listener, being more selfless, I want people to notice my light. I want to be a true disciple of Christ & let my light shine. I want to be like Brittany & have people notice that there's something different about me. I want people to know I'm a member & what I stand for. I want to be a member missionary. I want to share this truth & light with others. I want to change the world & influence those around me in a positive way.
Weekly Recap:
I went to a baby shower for my friend, Joylyn (who since then has had a beautiful baby girl! Congrats, Joylyn!)
We made icecream sundaes with all the fixings! I cannot tell you how long it's been since I've had Thrifty's icecream! What a treat!
My friend, Stacy, threw threw the shower & it was so cute! On a side note, her daughter's vanity is the cutest! I must have one for the daughter(s) I hope I will have one day!
The best part about this baby shower was all the friends I got to visit with from my old ward! I love keeping ties all over the place! It makes lots of places feel like home!
This sky was so gorgeous & blue that I had to share it!
I hung out with Brittany & saw these guys on The Chew. They have a food truck & make gourmet chicken wings! Even biscuits & gravy wings! Yum! Too bad they're all the way on the east coast...
Brie & I tried on tiny hats. Always a good idea.
How cute! (baby hungry much? Ha.)
Brennan is the master of selfies.
I love this girl.
We squished up in Brittany's truck & headed to Folsom.
(Hair commercial?)
We had a Chick-Fil-A picnic in the bed of her truck.
We went on a 3 mile walk in a gorgeous area of Folsom. I was in love. (Foreshadowing?)
The weather was so perfect! It did get pretty hot though because we were in direct sunlight pretty much the whole time. Hello, summer!
...and then it was ominous. Weird weather!
We went shopping here. I must have tried on like 12 pairs of pants...
...and then it hailed! What the heck?
...and then I fell in love with these pants...but not the $14 price tag...
This Little Sass replaced my front struts. It was quite an ordeal. Poor guy...
The oh-so-familiar "stop taking pictures of me" face...
He's my fave.
Bubs & I ordered takeout & watched Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (his current obsession).
We made Sunday dinner; tangy Rosemary Chicken, cheesy mashed potatoes & Mom-in-Law made the best corn muffins on the planet. Except they're better than that even. Like Celestial Kingdom status. I kid you not.
This sunrise.
This week was Big Boy's birthday. He turned 18. Woo! We celebrated by eating icecream donuts. ;)
Emily's face! Hahahaha...
Mother & I dressed Little Miss for her school's "Hippies vs. Rock & Roll" dress up day. She #NailedIt.
Weekly Obsessions:
My laptop decal.
Etsy special!
This nail polish.
Painting my nails is a rarity because my nails chip shortly after I paint them (Boo). But this color held up really nicely. It looks like a deep brown with plum undertones. It makes me feel so chic!
Trying to be nicer.
I'm trying to show love to those around me, regardless of how well I know them.
Conference talks.
I've been listening to the October 2014 sessions this week. (I stream them from my LDS Library app) Talk about uplifting! I've gotten so much out of these talks! Yay! I'm trying to prepare myself to share the Gospel with others in little ways (baby steps!).

My friend, Olivia, posted this & I fell in love! It totally sums me up in my new love-everyone-quest!
I hope you had an amazing Thursday!
This quote is great.
My friend, Olivia, posted this & I fell in love! It totally sums me up in my new love-everyone-quest!
Thankful Thursday: power of prayer, gospel of Jesus Christ, feeling Christ-like love, pillows, confidence, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Ryan.
I hope you had an amazing Thursday!