I ordered some new work shirts. The ones I had been using had sleeves that were way too short & were too wide for me (the joys of being long & thin). I can't wait for my new ones to arrive! I also ordered new work pants because my old ones were too big at the waist.
I went out for Icecream Donutrs with my friends, Rachael & Stacy! We had so much fun gabbing & eating!
I watched her make mine, She was like " Do you want sauce?" and I was like "You have sauce?!" So I now know that they have sauce: caramel, marshmallow & chocolate(?).
Behold! In all its fattening glory! I got half cookie dough/half cookies & cream icecream with the caramel sauce! It was fantastic. If you live in Rancho, you have to go to Crazy For Yogurt & get one right now.
I had a whole bunch of unopened & partially used toiletry items, so I gave them to Rachael & Stacy to sort through. Rachael took a bunch of the toiletry stuff & Stacy took this mini straightener. (You guys, it is so cute! It's pink leopard print & came with a little carrying case! Now you get why I didn't want to just take it to Goodwill) Anyway, it was perfect because she said her daughter/one of my former Nursery kids, Sadie, always wants to have her hair straightened. (She has such beautiful long, strawberry blonde hair!) So the next day, I found this gem in my FB feed. Love!
We sold our table, chairs, bookshelf & entertainment center in preparation for our big move. I was sad to get rid of them, but glad they were going to a good home instead of the trash bin!
My friend, Amy, gave me a ton of boxes, which were a big help! (Thanks, Amy!)
Pinterest gave me some great tips for moving. I used this tip. It made transporting clothes so much easier!
This tip saved me! I didn't have to scramble & tear apart each box trying to find our overnight stuff!
I used hand towels & throw pillows for this one! They worked great!
This gave me piece of mind that none of my items would spill/leak!
This saved our dishes! These Pinners think of everything!
I tried on my wedding dress & it fit! I was ecstatic! (It was the first dress I tried on & I knew right away that it was the one!Don't worry, I still tried on like 50 other dresses just to be sure. Anyway, it fit like a glove, so I ordered it in that exact size with 4" added length so I could wear heels. Well, when it was delievered to the store 1-2 months later & I took it home to try it on, it didn't fit! It was so small that I couldn't even zip it up! I freaked out! Anyways, my amazing aunt/professional seamstress swooped in & saved the day by taking it out. She said that wedding dresses always have a 1"-2" seam allowance so they can be taken out if need be. Moral of the story: when buying a wedding dress that you've only tried on the sample version of, order 1 size bigger! The sample dresses stretch out over time becasue they're constantly being tried on & taken off.) Even better, my dress not only fit, but was too big! Yay!
I wore my dress for like 40 minutes because it made me feel like a princess. Ha. I took these pics & surfed the web while I procrastinated packing.
I found these while surfing. They're potty training targets! Haha! Cute, right?
Saturday was the big move. I took this pic of our keys in our empty living room. I was so sad to leave!
Bubs was assembling our captain's bedframe...what do you think about our lime green walls? (Thanks for that, Jenn! Haha)
Saturday was a long day, but we did it! I'm so grateful to our families & Clinton for helping us! We couldn't have done it without you! Our everyday essentials are unpacked, so now it's a matter of unpacking the non-essentials. That's what I'll be doing this weekend! We went to our new ward on Sunday (our 2nd time there) & it seems pretty great! Although I really do miss my Nursery kiddos, it is nice to be able to go to sunday school & Relief Society! THe bishop is already working on getting us callings. I think I know what they are, but we'll see!
When we first decided to move, I was pretty concerned about staying with my current job & commuting. I know it's only week 1, but my commute wasn't really that bad (its about an hour & 10 minutes in the morning & 35 minutes in the evening) Bubs taught me all kinds of tricks to make my commute easier (I might share that in a later post if you're interested). It's actually been a blessing that my job is still out there because I am near my friends from our old ward!
Bubs & I made dinner together. It was really yummy!
Because I commute to work now, I get to see the sun rise almost every day! It's so beautiful!
Bubs is going to start playing basketball again with the ward! I'm so happy he's getting back into it! He got some sweet gear on sale. I was (& still am) very impressed with his matching. :)
I ordered girl scout cookies like a month ago from one of our patients! She was so cute & nervous when she asked me...I bought all of these! She gave them to me yesterday at work. It was a lovely surprise delivery!
Waking up early.

Ha. It's growing on me. One of these days I'll get on a more consistant sleep schedule & it will get easier. Maybe I'll even start running again. We'll see. ;)
I am so lucky to have Ryan as my Bubs. He works so hard to make sure I'm taken care of. He has done so many sweet little things for me this week! On Monday, I was stressed & running behind, so while I was getting ready he snuck out & filled up my tank! Then, I woke up late on two different days & he made my breakfast/lunch for me! I'm pretty sure I'm the luckiest girl out there! He is such an amazing example of selflesness! More often than not he puts my needs before his own. He is the best! I am so grateful to have him forever!(I love you, Bubba!)
Bubs & I made dinner together. It was really yummy!
Because I commute to work now, I get to see the sun rise almost every day! It's so beautiful!
Bubs is going to start playing basketball again with the ward! I'm so happy he's getting back into it! He got some sweet gear on sale. I was (& still am) very impressed with his matching. :)
Weekly Obsessions:
Still loving it! Drama & action!Snacking.
Its a bad habit, I know...but it tastes SO good!
Waking up early.
Ha. It's growing on me. One of these days I'll get on a more consistant sleep schedule & it will get easier. Maybe I'll even start running again. We'll see. ;)
Off topic thought:
Thankful Thursday: tried & true friends, the Church being the same everywhere, prayer, the peace & strength that comes through prayer, free WiFi at Starbucks, home cooked meals, sunshine, being only 7 hours away from family, chocolate covered fruit, Bubs!!!
This week feels like it's kind of dragged, but on the upside, I managed to get the day off tomorrow. Yay! I hope your week is as awesome as mine! Happy Thursday!