
My personal march madness.

I can't believe that it's already March! Every day we're one step closer to meeting our little guy! I can't even explain how elated I am! (I'm also in such awe of how incredible the miracle of life is!) Even though we're only a few days into March, it has been crazy for me! I have been spending almost every waking moment prepping for Adam's arrival. We're in the process of gathering all our baby essentials and I have to say thank goodness for Pinterest! I love that it houses every single "pre-baby-to-do list" and "what-to-pack-in-your-hospital-bag list", along with everything else you can imagine! It has been a real life saver!

Pregnancy Updates:

How far in: 39 weeks. (as of Wednesday 3/2)

Baby is the size of a/an: mini watermelon. Aww.

Feeling: Reeeeeaaaaally big.

Weight Gain: Not much.

Wearing: Maternity jeans, a few maternity tops & a pair of shoes that I found on clearance. (score!) Wedges are my new best friend.

Sleep: Loving it. I've been sleeping well, aside from the crazy dreams! (ha)

Missing: Being able to put on my shoes with little to no effort.

Last doctor's appointment: Leap Day. Everything is going so well! Adam's heart rate is good, my blood pressure is "excellent", no contractions so far. I'm thinking he'll probably be overdue.

Next doctor's appointment: On my due date! (March 9th)

Movement: Lots. I think he must be feeling pretty cramped because he often kicks me pretty hard!

Food cravings: Carbs. Bread. Sugar! (i.e. canned fruit, juice, yogurt)

Looking forward to: Getting to meet our sweet boy!

Missionary Updates:

"Greetings from Texas!

This week has been amazing! Quite a bit has gone on since last week. We got the chance to meet with a new part-member family that just moved into our area. The gentleman in the family didn't grow up with a christian background which is really interesting. we really have to be careful on remembering that he does not know who Christ or God is so it really takes a lot of patience talking to him about it. It is really hard as a missionary because you want investigators to know all you know so bad, but you have to take a step back and recognize their situation.  It is really comforting to know that Heavenly Father has prepared a way for all of us to come to Him and it goes in His time. 

We are continuing working with Tedra, our progressing investigator. We have her set with a baptismal date at the end of this month and she is on track right now to achieve that. I am very excited for that time, but transfer meetings are right before that so I may not be here to see it. Time will tell! I also had to endure the slowest day I have ever had on the mission. I finally got sick!  How? I do not know but it made the longest day I have ever experienced!  When I was sick at home, there were so many things to distract myself with and let time go by. On the mission, you do not have so many things. No missionary out here wants to be sick because you halt the work for the day(s) that you have to be inside. But thankfully it taught me patience and I got over it by the next day.

The message I wanted to share today is from a modern Apostle of Jesus Christ's restored church, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. He tells the story of his life and when he was a young, poor father.


I know that as we learn, accept, and apply the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives we will have better times when it may feel that we are in an inescapable hole. I know that no matter the situation we are in, God has a plan for each and every one of us and we can all live with him again.

I love you all and hope to hear from you!

Elder Arciniaga"

Please send him an email! His email address is : Alexander.arciniaga@myldsmail.net . Also: this kiddo is now 19! (as of March 4th!) Yay!!!

I had my baby shower.
It was so fun! My mother & MIL, Melanie, did a great job! It was so fun to reconnect with old friends too! 

Pic on left: Friday February 26th. Pic on right: Tuesday March 1st.
 (I look so much bigger in the one on the right!) 

My coworkers threw me a baby shower too!

It was so cute! I had so much fun hanging out with my coworkers! How sweet are they?!

Side note: I work with these two weirdos. Their SnapChats keep me thoroughly entertained. 

Weekly Obsessions:

  • Gossip Girl (which I finished! The last episode was not my fave though. I don't like that they did that whole "5 years later" thing and proceeded to wrap it all up with like no explanation in the last two minutes. Lame. They could have easily kept it going for another season...if not five...)
  • New Girl (started watching again. Season 4. Totally great) 
This is me all the time.

I am constantly forgetting what I'm doing. Ha. 

Basically all of these memes.

Thankful Thursday: my sweet Ryan for always being so patient and loving towards me, our circumstances, our sweet Baby!

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