
Playing housewife.


This week I was lucky enough to have pink eye and be sick all at the same time. It was a total bummer. All week I played housewife, since my doctor told me it would be best if I didn't go to workOn the upside, I am feeling so much better, thanks to my sweet Ryan, lots of sleep and plenty of down time! Not gonna lie, playing housewife isn't too bad, but it made me wish Adam was here already! We're super jazzed to meet our little guy!

This week I:

  • Tried coupon-ing. It's awesome!
  • Started meal planning and cooking again.
  • Found some goodies at Target and Goodwill. (I love finding a good deal!)
  • Watched like a zillion episodes of Gossip Girl. (So much so that the characters have frequented my dreams)
  • Drafted my birth plan. (That really took some pressure off, especially being so close to Go Time...)


How far in: 36 weeks. (Almost full term! Eeek!)

Baby is the size of a/an: Coconut. According to my app, he's almost 19 inches long and weighs just under 6 pounds. Woa.

Feeling: Winded. 

Weight Gain: Normal.

Wearing: Leggings, tee shirts and comfy shoes.

Sleep: Sleeping so well, it's unheard of.

Next doctor's appointment: Next week. I've graduated to weekly appointments. 

Movement: He's become an early bird.

Food cravings: Oranges and yogurt...and Reese's minis.

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery put together!

Weekly Obsessions:

  • Gossip Girl! (I must have watched at least 15 episodes this week so far)
    • Reasons why I love it:
      • Dorota is basically a sass.
      • Blair is living a real-life fairy tale like a boss.
      • Dan & Blair have a good dynamic.
      • Lily Van Der Woodsen/Bass/Humphrey has really grown on me, even though she has done some really messed up stuff.

  • Mama Bee's Belly Butter. (this stuff is my saving grace)
  • Reese's Peanut Butter cup minis. (SO GOOD!)
  • Target clearance & sales. (Today I saved $28 by using Cartwheel, texty coupons and like a billion manufacturer's coupons)...also The Dollar Spot.
  • The fresh paint in Baby's room! (Repainted "chilled mint". I am so in love with it! Everyday I find excuses to go into his room, just so I can look at it.)

Missionary Updates:

"Greetings world!

This week has gone by tremendously quick! There is a lot of things that happened! First of all, we got Vic with a baptismal date! He will be baptized on February 20th! He has been having discussions with missionaries for many years and both Elder Baker and I and he feels like he is ready! We will continue working with him and updates will come! Next, I found out that Elder Baker knows some of my relatives! Apparently my cousins live in Queen Creek and they knew each other from school and church! So this is a pretty fun coincidence! Both Elder Baker and I have been working hard knocking doors and asking for referrals and have gotten two new investigators this week and 9 referrals! Hopefully baptismal dates to come from those as we continue to follow up. There has been many blessings from working hard and keeping the purpose of a missionary in mind! The Lord has blessed us with an area that is ready to be prosperous! We have gotten the opportunity to spend more time with the four missionaries that live in the apartment across from us. We get up at 6 every morning and lift weights, run, condition for the day in the parking lot (since there is no gym). So we got to become very good friends with Elders Cochran, Hyde, Godwin, and Dailey. They are excellent missionaries and really live up to the call. There will be more updates to come. Also we got to have dinner at a members house and there were literally like 30 deer right on their property! They just come out there and hang out! I was able to get a picture close to the action!
The message I wanted to share today is based on a video for the youth called Dare to Stand Alone.

We will all encounter times in our lives where we must stand for what we believe. Just like President Monson, we too must stand for what we believe and support will be there even when you didn't think there was.
Don't mess with Texas,
Elder Arciniaga

Thankful Thursday: down time, sleep, tons of resources via the internet, steady income, our little family, creativity, friends, running water, modern conveniences, our home.


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