
Full Term Awesomeness.

You. Guys. I am officially "full term" this week! I honestly can't even believe that I'm here...I could potentially have this sweet, little baby any day now. O_O (Hopefully he holds out for a few more weeks though!)


How far in: 37 weeks.

Baby is the size of a(n): Leek! (which is apparently 19 inches long, and he's about 6.5 lbs...about the size of a small watermelon!)

Feeling: Large.

Wearing: Leggings every chance I get.

Sleep: Loving it! 

Miss anything: Being able to sit up without feeling like a turtle on it's back. Ha.

Movement: He moves so much!

Weight Gain: I gained 3 pounds since my appointment last week!
Food cravings: Sugar!

Labor signs: None yet, thankfully!

Next OBGYN appointment: Next week. 

Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery, putting Adam's cradle together, packing my hospital bag...I have so much to do!

Tricia & I celebrated Galentines by having brunch and going shopping. It was so fun! 

 I made this card for Ryan for Valentines. Hehe.

...and he made me a very yummy steak dinner. We had a really nice, relaxing V-Day. It was bliss. 

Bubsie was in need of a new computer chair, and Office Depot was having a sale, so we went shopping!  

Today I was a creeper and photobombed Sydnie's selfie.  

Weekly Obsessions:
  • that "reckless behavior" song by Zayn Melik
  • the brownie things I've been hoarding from the snack drawer at work!
  • Gossip Girl
This meme.
This is so true to life, I can't even begin to explain. Live and learn. 

(Fun fact: every week I am totally stumped as to what I'm obsessed with. Ryan always has to help me come up with my list. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.)

Thankful Thursday: my Ryan, financial responsibility, cookies from friends! health, ample opportunities to grow, coworkers that make work oh so fun, sugary sweets, inside jokes, hot water, all the mint scented things!

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