
33 Weeks.

As my due date approaches, I've been spending a bunch of time reading books about pregnancy and parenting. I love to read, and I am so grateful for parents and experts who have taken the time to share useful tips in the form of a good read! I love that the library has a parenting section.

Ha. THis is so me!

This is actually a pic of me during week 32. I need to document with more prego profile pics!


How far in: 33 weeks. Getting close to the final stretch!
Baby is the size of a/an: pineapple! (about 17 inches long, 4.5 lbs. O_O)
Feeling: Good. :)
Weight Gain: Not a ton. I think I look pretty round. 
Wearing: Comfy flats. As much as I'd love to wear heels, I really don't trust my sense of balance (or lack thereof) right now. So, I got another pair of cute flats over the weekend! These things are the most comfy pair of flats I own. Target FTW!
Sleep: Still trying to bank my sleep.
Missing: My energy. I get tired pretty darn easily, which I guess is a good thing because that tells me to take a break and put my feet up.
Next doctor's appointment: This upcoming Wednesday.
Movement: Oh man. My little guy loves to kick me beneath my ribs. I now understand what prego moms mean when they talk about how sometimes the kicking is cute, and then sometimes it's just plain uncomfortable!
Food cravings: Oranges!
Looking forward to: My baby shower! Meeting our sweet boy!

Missionary Updates: 

"Hello everyone,

So not too much to report on this week however, there is one thing that happened that was certainly different. There was an ET (emergency transfer). Essentially an emergency transfer is when a missionary or several missionaries are transferred before transfer meeting. President Slaughter moved a few companionship's up in Austin so Elder Diaz is now in Austin while I remain here in hill country. My new companion is Elder Baker. He has been in the mission about 6 months and is awesome. It was fun being able to introduce him to the apartment and the whole new area, so until he gets up to pace, I have been kind of taking the lead! Although it is sad to see Elder Diaz go, we will still keep in touch. We had to drive all the way up to Austin which is about a two hour drive to drop him off and now we have to really be concerned about our car mileage. Time to get the bikes out for sure!

The message I want to share this week is from a three part series of
videos presented by Elder David A. Bednar called "Patterns of Light". The video I would like to share is the second part of the series called "Discerning Light".

We all have the opportunity to receive promptings of the Holy Ghost.
How often to we obey the promptings that are given? Those actions that have a good intent and bring you closer to our Heavenly Father do not need to be a miraculous vision to be from Him. The Holy Ghost
prompts us and guides us on the paths we should follow. When we are baptized by restored priesthood authority and in the name of Christ, we can have the Spirit reside within us. How great a blessing! I can testify of the blessing that this brings and how our Heavenly Father loves us and blesses us. We are his children, and no parent should abandon his children.

Elder Arciniaga"

This kid loves serving the people of Texas!


 We went to Buy Buy Baby to try out strollers and car seats. We both liked how they had lots of strollers on display for us to roll around, practice folding and unfolding and lots of car seats for us to mess around with too. (This place is no joke) 

Ryan and I had fun window shopping (and real shopping) at Walmart. Here is my sweet Ryan checking out the sweet gaming headphones. He found some he really liked, but sadly they weren't PC compatible. :( On the upside, I think he was able to find some similar ones online.

Weekly Obsessions:

This envelope.
We got this giant envelope in the mail at work. It was so huge! I'm still obsessed...

Memes I love:

Thankful Thursday: my Ryan, our Baby, the simple life, the gospel of Jesus Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, our home, silly vines that pop up in my FB feed, steady income, being surrounded by good peeps. 

Throwback to that time I took my sweet Ryan (then boyfriend) to SoCal to meet my family...and he gave me the surprise of a lifetime! He took me to my favorite place, where we ate a picnic of all my favorite foods...he gifted me with my favorite things, and then pulled out a wicker clam shell with an engagement ring inside and asked me 

"Will you be my eternal companion?"

 *Swoon* He is still my Favorite person and always will be. 

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