I promise that this post contains the big secret! Read on for the big reveal!

We had a lovely weekend full of lots of little dates. This date was a shopping trip to HomeGoods to revamp our kitchen. Fun fact: Ryan loves shopping for kitchen stuff at HomeGoods.
Then we went and got a pizza from Papa Murphy's...and then we went to Walmart and scored because we snagged the last Star Wars boxed set in stock! (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back & Return of The Jedi) Then we went home and ate pizza and watched Star Wars! (Side note: I have been wanting to watch Star Wars for so long and was so ecstatic to be indoctrinated. Ha. Also: we've got our tickets for the new Star Wars next week!)
Ryan replaced our garbage disposal & was so excited to stick two whole lemons into the new one. He was in heaven when it ground them to bits right away!
Pregnancy Updates:
How far in: 27 weeks!
Baby is the size of a/an: Cauliflower, and weighs about 2 pounds! Woah.
Feeling: Really good! I feel like I've started to waddle. Ha.
Weight Gain: 14 pounds. I'm going to try and pack on the weight over the holiday. ;)
Wearing: These awesome pants I got from Zulily! They're brown skinnies with a full panel. I am super loving pants with full panels.
Sleep: Trying to fight the urge to sleep 24/7. ;)
Missing: Being able to put on my shoes easily.
Next doctor's appointment: Just had it today! Glucose Testing wasn't too fun, but it was fun to hear Baby's heartbeat again.
Movement: Baby is a great kicker!
Food cravings: Cold cut sandwiches.
...and now it's time for what you've all been waiting for: The Big Reveal! We are so excited to announce that we're having a sweet baby boy! :D We've got lots of exciting things ahead and are so blessed to have our little guy!
Now it's time to honor Dad-To-Be, my sweet Ryan!
My Ryan is the sweetest person on the whole planet! He has been so so sweet to me. Story time: On Sunday I was majorly stressed (baby coming in less than 14 weeks! Aah!) and way tired too. Ryan suggested that I take a nap, and while I was asleep he made dinner and cleaned the kitchen! What a cutie. He is always so good about: helping me up (I have a hard time going from laying-to-sitting and sitting-to-standing), telling me to eat/drink/water/take a nap when needed, giving me lots of cuddles and hugs...basically he's really great about not just taking care of me, but he pampers me too. I love that he shows me he loves me in little ways every day. He is going to be such a sweet dad to our little guy!