Fun fact: This is my 100th post! How cool is that?!
In addition to MY BUN IN THE OVEN COSTUME that I wore for our ward's Trunk or Treat, I also dressed up as a 50's housewife (for my work party). I love 40s/50s retro style! (You might recognize that dress from THIS POST)
That time Ryan stole my phone and had a conversation with Little Miss while pretending to be me. The hashtag made my life. Ha.
Weekly Obsessions:
- Rain!
- The upcoming holidays! (You guys. Thanksgiving might be my new favorite)
- Comfy fall maternity clothes! (So excited for my package from Zulily to arrive!)

I love this show far too much.
Not daylight savings.
Can't we just be like Arizona?
This incredible long but epic meme.

I know it's really hard to read, but the basic gist is that this girl's boyfriend surprised her by letting her star in a legit re-enactment of Pride and Prejudice (complete with homemade costumes) with her loved ones and then he proposed to her right on cue with the story line! The Jane Austen fan inside me is dying right now.
This meme.
I love memes of church quotes. Love!
Thankful Thursday: Christlike love, libraries, hugs, hot showers, future growing opportunities, health, food, shelter, clothes, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, loving friends and family.