I feel like I'm always in a bit of a transition. It's not a bad place to be. I'm constantly moving forward to the better version of me. Alyssa 2.0 . I'm taking on some new responsibilities at work, which will be a welcome change and I'm trying out things I never thought I could do. And that's a really exciting thing for me.
I feel like Kid President has got a pretty awesome outlook on life. If you've never seen a KP video, click HERE to uplift your day!
Weekly Recap:
My coworker got me candy for Easter! How cute are these bunny ears?!
I went for a walk with Cindy, who's in our ward!
It was so beautiful! We walked for like 2-3 miles up in Auburn.
Afterwards, we went to this Nursery so she could inquire if they had this certain type of tree she's been searching for. It was so fun inside!
My fellow Loomis-ites probably already know this, but they sell ladybugs! That's right. You can buy a bag of ladybugs to put in your garden. Whaaaaaaat?
I had so much fun looking at all the cool stuff they had!
I played PacMan on my Google Maps app. I was very excited when I found it by accident. I may have sat in my car for 10 minutes playing it. I totally won BTW.
My dad and Shauna sent us this cute little rabbit full of candy.
It was so good! Especially the gummy rabbits!
I made "Louisiana Skinnies" for dinner. They were pretty good!
I saw this butterfly with a broken wing. It made me so sad! (I may or may not have said a prayer for that poor little guy)
It's not a trip to my parents' house without bathroom selfies!
GenCon rocked, per usual. I watched Saturday and Sunday sessions for the first year ever.
Mother & I are twinsies on so many levels. We discovered this one too.
We went to Target to buy Easter candy the day before Easter. The Easter candy aisle was a mad house. There were moms everywhere.
We picked up Jeff from the airport and went to dinner.
I had been eye-ing these at Target for the past few months, but had been waiting for them to drop in price, and lo and behold, they were $7.48! So... Mother bought them for me. YES!
I convinced Bubs to go on a pajama date with me. We wore our Batman pjs to Walmart and In-N-Out.
Sassykins and I made biscuits and gravy for Easter/GenCon Sunday breakfast.
I made Angel Biscuits but for some reason they were really small and didn't rise a whole lot. We each had like six. Ha.
The "Easter Bunny" hid eggs all around the house.
Bubs curled up around my feet like a house cat.
We went to my parentals' house for lunch and to watch the afternoon session.
Mother made her Easter cake.
Guess which belongs to me and which is Ryan's? The Easter Bunny knows us so well. Ha.
Don't let their sweet little faces deceive you. These little Sassykins drove me nuts.
If you follow me on Instagramm, then you saw my adventure with Tricia (aforementioned coworker) when she helped me fix my earring with sealant.
I'm telling you: she is a genius! FTW.
The weather was kind of crazy! (None of these pictures have filters BTW. The sky was so much more brilliant in person!)
...I feel like this should have been mine...
These songs.
I heard these songs on the radio this week and was really excited.
I love Jesus memes.
Just sayin'.
These quotes rock too.
...and then there is this well done meme.
Thankful Thursday: prayer, this Church, loving friends and family who uplift me, my sweet Ryan, temple covenants, the Word of Wisdom, my Savior and Redeemer-Jesus Christ, my loving Father in Heaven, freedom, food/clothes/running water/shelter, my super positive work environment, being born in this dispensation.
One final quote:
You guys: I know if we strive to constantly be better and ask for the Lord's help, we can be so much more than that! Let's all keep one another in our prayers and look out for those around us! Together we can make this world so SO awesome!