
I had this epiphany today.

It may be obvious, but life is ever-changing. You know that saying "you don't know a good thing until its gone"? How true that is! Sometimes life throws you curveballs. You can choose to either come back from them stronger than before, or be miserable. I choose the former. Recently, I made the choice to lean heavily on my Heavenly Father & direct my thoughts towards Him & my Savior daily. I'm trying to be less of a Sunday Christian & more of an Everyday Christian. I am trying to be better each day. 

I am trying to help others often. I am trying to let my light shine. This is a big change for me because I used to hide my light. I wasn't ashamed, quite the contrary: I was afraid that others would judge & persecute me because of my beliefs. I have never been a good member missionary because of this fear...& then in Church, we talked about how we should not fear man, but fear God. That really resonated with me, I had spent so many years fearing my peers, that I missed valuable opportunities to share the Gospel with others & be a true disciple of Christ.

When I think about being accountable to God & not man, I feel good. I feel like I'm heading the right direction. I don't tell you this to toot my own horn- I'm not that person. I am not someone who brags- I'm actually the opposite. If I do something nice for someone, I don't broadcast it. I might tell Ryan- if anyone. I'm trying to work harder at being nicer to myself. I am trying not to be hard on myself. I'm trying to apply the Atonement in my life often, which is something that I've always struggled it. I'm trying to be better. I tell you all of this so you can know that I'm not perfect. I have faults & make mistakes. I like to appear put-together & have a hard time admitting my faults, which is part of why I like this blog so much. I can speak & others can't reply. It's less of a conversation & more of a monologue. I feel like this is my place to talk about whatever I want & feel heard, even if no one reads this. (Don't worry. I'm not a sad, ignored, little person. I have a loving network of people that listen to me.) I like that whatever I say is not face to face with you. If it was, I wouldn't say it. These are often things that I'm not brave enough to share in person. I'm working on it.

Weekly Recap:

This week we...

Bubs & I went clothes shopping. (For him, not me) This is his least favorite thing on the planet, so I knew better than to take pictures of him. So you get pics of the store.

We went all over. Like the Galleria.

Bubs loves ties. LOVES ties. I can't pin down his style. Everytime I suggest a tie, he's not into it. Silly Bubs,

He looked for a while. I now know how those guys that get dragged to the mall by their girlfriends feel. (Sorry, guys.)

We went to Krush Burger for lunch. We really like that place, We each got two sliders, one of their classics & one of their seasonal Fish & Chips sliders. It was pretty good, especially considering I'm not a real "fish person"...plus we got the sweet potateo tots. (Did anyone else think of Napoleon Dynamite there? Ha...)

Then we went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to get a shelf for our shower & additional bathroom storage units. He found these cups...for like $25! Yikes!

...I indicated to Bubs that I liked this vanity, so he put it in our cart. I flipped out because of the price (like $150). Once he realized that it was $150 and not $50, he put it back. It was pretty funny. I still thought it was a sweet gesture, even though we didn't get it.

We bought a corner shelf that fits perfectly into our shower & a little cart for additional storage. Bubs scored points by assembling it all. Yay for awesome husbands!

I made Cherry Delight for our double date with Clinton & Camie. 

We took selfies on the drive to their house. We hung out with them & had dinner & watched The Theory of Everything.

Remember how it was my little bro-ski's 18th birthday? Well, he went skydiving. He showed me the video & pictures. I was stressing out just watching! Ha.

Currently Loving:

This quote.
We are the ones that hold ourselves back! I need this reminder often!

...and this quote.
Love love love!

...and Conference talks. I wish I could keep listening to/streaming them during my commute, but I've used too much data up. I'll have to download them now. 

Humans of New York...still.
I love children...not just because of how cute they look, but also because of how wise they are. They love unconditionally, are unafraid to speak their minds, are content with the little things & understand things (like this little boy) that some adults still don't grasp. 

Currently Trying to Implement:

  • Using a planner to help me visualize my weekly schedule. (I've always been more of a phone calendar type of person, but that's to hard to look at sometimes)
  • More creative hairstyles. I got stuck in a rut, so I'm trying out new things again.
  • New makeup looks. (Thank goodness for Youtube!)
  • Planning out my whole week, instead of one day at a time. (hence the planner)

Thankful Thursday: prayer, Bubs, freedom, our circumstances, the simple life, opportunities to grow.

I hope you're all having a great week! Love you all!
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