
My week went like this.

 I often hear people say "the older you get, the faster time goes." I hope that's not true, because time has been flying since we started our preparations for the big move & I don't know if I could keep up if time went any faster!

Weekly Recap:

Bubs picked out my outfit for church last week. (He always jumps in when I'm having a rough morning & have "nothing to wear" haha)
He always coordinates his tie with my outfit & its his choice! I think this is the cutest thing ever!
"Smile, Bubsie!"
I bought him these socks & he wore them to church mostly because he loves me. (also because he loves Batman)
One of my fellow Nursery leaders had the idea to send this pic to one of our recently graduated-Nursery-kids (she's now a Sunbeam). This kitty puppet was her favorite toy. 

Over the last two weeks I took on another project for this new program that we're starting at work. I had a bunch of conference calls & things to do in addition to my normal stuff. This particular call was more of a "webinar" where the presenter opted to show pics of wildlife during his presentation. Fun, right?
Bubs' new phone came in the mail, so I dropped it off to him at work & decided to "treat myself" to a cookie I bought from Freeport Bakery nearby. :)
I had yet another conference call. This time I was lucky enough to leave work early & participate at home. Talk about awesome!
I went to girly night at Brittany's house. It was so fun!

I gave myself a gel mani/pedi. I was all proud of myself becasue it turned out a lot nicer looking this time than last time. But then my nails got chipped within two days. Boo. My toes still look great though! :)
Bubs & I have been packing a bunch, which meant I had to declutter! I got rid of a whole carload of stuff at Goodwill. I'm still pretty proud of myself for that. It was a lot of work!
Bubs bought me Chinese food from this awesome place near his work. Yay!

I took Bubs out to try icecream donuts! I was pretty disappointed becasue he didn't like his very much, but on the upside mine was good! ( I had a Groupon for buy 1 get 1 free!)
This is proof that he love me. (he hates wearing sunglasses, but I love the way these look on him, so he humored me!)

We watched the Superbowl at my parents house.

I scored this for free at work. It was so good!
Did anyone else think the commercials were really serious & emotionally charged this year? These puppy commercials always get me. 

I was counting down until I got to see "K. Perr" (as Ryan calls her) at halftime.

The aftermath.

This poor guy. His face blew up my feed as soon as he made it. He'll never live this down.
Yesterday, my co-workers & I all got free dinner courtesy of my bosses. I got half a meat lovers pizza. It was bomb. Reason for the free dinner: our office went live on brand new software on Monday...as in 3 days ago. It was awful because we had minimal to no training. We deemed this week as "hell week". Luckily, the work we're putting in every day (hello overtime) is starting to pay off, which makes each day a little easier. Yay!

I've gotten back into experimenting with my hair. I've been playing with fishtail braids these past few days.

Thankful Thursday: time, Bubs, pillows, the power of prayer, food, music, steady work, family, the gospel of Jesus Christ, hot showers.

I hope you're all having a not-too-busy week! Rather a comfortably busy week!

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