Today was a struggle. Why? I'm not really sure. Sometimes I just wake up & things feel harder than normal. I could blame it on a number of things: hormones, depression, anxiety, etc. but today I felt like life was a little harder to live. On days like these I get tired easily. I am irritated by small things like certain songs on the radio or hiccups. The silly little things that don't usually bother me. Usually I attribute this to my depression. I am one of the many that struggle with depression. It took me a lot of counseling to get to the point where I could get the point where I wasn't angry all the time. Some days are harder than others. Some days I feel it come back. Don't worry, today wasn't that bad. Mostly my days are really great.
I'm not letting you know this because I want you to feel sorry for me. I'm putting this out there to let people know that I am not perfect. In fact, I very much like to hide this part of myself. The only people that know about this (besides you) are Bubs, my family & my therapist. I want people to know that depression is not a made up thing. We should be sensitive to those around us that are struggling with depression because it is a disease. I honestly believe that. If you have depression, do not be afraid to ask for help. In the past I was afraid to see a therapist because I was afraid of what people would say. But you know what? All that mindset did was make me self conscious & prevent me from getting the help I needed.
Now I am at the point where I see my therapist once a month because that's all I need right now. She's awesome. She helps me to see the bigger picture & encourages me to be a better version of myself. And because of her & my amazing support system I am in such an amazingly good place! I love my life & all the wonderful people that I have around me.
Even though this blog started out as a lifestyle blog, I feel like it has evolved into something more that I needed: a self-improvement blog. So I could measure myself according to the goals that I set & watch my own progress. I am a firm believer that I can always improve. That we can always improve. That being said, I rarely give myself praise outside of my own thoughts, so here goes!
Things I rock at:
I'm good at free-handing fonts like this one.
I rock at making baked goods.
Thanks to my job, I have learned how to pack light & feel comfortable traveling alone.
Taking care of babies/children.
Thanks to Nursery, I am super great at entertaining & caring for children. Something tells me this skill might come in handy one day.
Doing hair.
I rock at making baked goods.
Thanks to my job, I have learned how to pack light & feel comfortable traveling alone.
Taking care of babies/children.
Thanks to Nursery, I am super great at entertaining & caring for children. Something tells me this skill might come in handy one day.
Doing hair.
With help from Youtube, I've become really good at duplicating hairstyles.
One last thought:
My friend, Olivia, sent me this picture after reading one of my posts about being self-conscious about who I am. (She said she found it on the inside of a bathroom stall of all places!) Let this remind us that we are all enough. To our loving Heavenly Father we are most certainly enough. Let us remind ourselves & each other of this often.
I hope you're all having a good weekend, thus far! I think I'll have to gather some snacks & cuddle up with my Bubs & watch a movie.
PS Bubs is definitely singing "Roxanne" in falsetto right now. This act alone proves that he is my soulmate. ;)