He is the #1 Best Husband on the Planet! ...for me, that is. You might think your husband is better & maybe he is...for you. But my Bubs is the best husband for me. So know that when I say he's the best, I'm not trying to downplay how kind and funny your husband is, I'm just lucky to have my Bubs. Sometimes I marvel at how loving & kind he is. He loves me so much. Sometimes he has to remind me of that when I'm having a hard day. He does a great job of reminding me often. As evidence of the other night. I was having a hard day & was really frustrated because I couldn't get my brain to shut off so I could sleep. (He has a real talent of falling asleep at the drop of a hat. I'm jealous, really.) Anyways, he stayed up with me & listened to me vent & held me while I cried & got it all out of my head. And he was so tired. My poor guy. But he puts up with it because he loves me. He was (and is) so wonderful.
He's not the guy that spends money on gifts on a whim. He's a really good saver. He's a total boss at saving money. So when he does come up with gifts, they are so heartfelt & wonderful that I always get teary. Exhibit A:
He made this for our 1 year anniversary. When I came home on my lunch break that day, he called me as I was walking up the stairs to our apartment. I had had a really long morning at work & was stressed out. He told me not to come in yet. He was doing something and I couldn't see it yet. I was impatient & told him that I wanted to eat & was being generally pretty cranky, so he let me in anyway. (He was planning on taking a picture of my reaction as I walked through the door & saw it but nixed the idea because of how upset I was. In hindsight I wish I had let him take the picture.) He was wearing his purple button up & slacks, with his nice shoes that I love. He had this poster board propped up on the chair next to him so I could read it from the front door. It's 26 experiences that we've had together. It was so sweet. I know I got teary eyed. It was so so sweet.
Exhibit B:
On our Honeymoon, he played the Game. (When I say that, I mean he participated & did all the silly little things that I love doing that he's not so fond of just because he's a good sport & he loves me.) We went to Disneyland. We wore the bride & groom mouse ears. The back of our ears say "His" & "Hers" & each have our wedding date embroidered too. Note our shirts. We bought these before we went into Disneyland on Ryan's insistence because he knows how much I love this stuff. We even wore buttons that we got that said "Just Married". He played the Game. At the time, I thought it was so fun, but knowing now how much he hates matchey-mushy-girly stuff like that I appreciate this so much more. He is my favorite.
Exhibit C:
He lets me take billions of pictures of/with him. He hates abhors being in pictures. Honestly, he does. But he lets me take them & occasionally even smiles because he loves me. This is the ultimate act of love for me because he knows its ongoing (due to this blog) & he still plays the Game.
Just for the record, I could go one for a very long time about the things that Ryan does to show me that he loves me. But I'll spare you because I know that he's the best for me & your husband is still the best in your opinion anyway. ;)
PS One of these days I'll actually blog about the stuff we did on New Years' Eve.