Weekend Recap:
On Friday, we didn't do a whole lot of anything. We mostly hung out at home and relaxed. It was much needed R&R.
I convinced Bubs that we needed to go out on a date. An Actual date. (We haven't done that in a while) Anyways, we hit up our fave Mexican place, La Fiesta Taqueria!
Notice all of the awards? They are that good!
(The SF Giants were playing)
He loves when I take pictures of him when he's eating.
They even put rice in their salt! See? I told you these peeps know what's up!
We redboxed Blended (the movie). It was mediocre, but we still had fun.
(Creepy, right?)
My Mother is ready for Halloween! She has the cutest decorations!
Awkward selfie. Ha.
This girl is Baby Jinx. She's actually an old lady-dog. She looks more grey/older than she is because she likes to roll in the dirt. And she looks like a creep in this picture because if you don't give her the right amount of attention, she rolls all over like a weirdo.
Aww. I love her.
Yummy dinner! This is Bubs' plate because as previously mentioned, his plate always looks better than mine. Even when we eat the exact same thing.
Big Boy took my phone hostage. I had 25+ of these bad boys.
Little Miss made this cute skeleton back in elementary school.
As we were leaving, she pointed out that she modified it. I feel that the twerking Miley Cyrus version is quite accurate. Ha. (And people wonder where she gets it from...)
Weekly Obsessions:
Season 2 is finallly on Netflix! Huzzah!I'm hoping by some miracle that I will be able to binge-watch until I am caught up with the current season on Hulu. (Not likely)
I used to run all the time. I used to run 4+ days/week and moniter what I ate and counted calories and been a good girl. But then I got lazy. And then...I stopped tracking what I ate...which led to me eating sweets a lot...Anyways, it's a vicious cycle. But now I'm running again (2 for 2! Woot!) and hopefully I will stick it out again.
Hope you're all having a good almost-Hump Day! Goodnight!