

 I feel like I go through phases in my life. Example: sometimes I read. I either spend every spare second reading or I'll read a few pages and then I won't pick up my book for three months. Does that make sense? I recently jumped on the bandwagon  and started reading this.
Can I just say that I really like it? I like that Hazel is deep and slightly irreverant. She's not your typical Bella-type dummie that obsesses over a boy. (That being said, I loved the Twilight trilogy, but was not a fan of Bella and her toddler-like hissy fits.) I'm only about halfway through the book, (which isn't too bad considering I bought it three days ago) but I am intrigued. The complex language makes me jealous of Hazel's broad vocabulary, and I have had to look up a few words online to find out their definition. It's times like this that make me wish I was taking an english class.

Thankful Thursday: my literacy, music, family & friends, the pure love of Christ, daily opportunities to serve, the simple life, opportunities, my sweet Bubs.

I realized last week that I forgot to post my Weekly Obsessions! Oops! Weekly Obsessions:

Once Upon A Time.

I used to watch this show religiously every week, but fell off the bandwagon. Now that it's on Netflix, I have picked it back up and I'm liking it a lot! The script is kind of cheesy, but I like how they introduce the characters and change the classic fairy tales to fit the plot of the show.

My Cartwheel app!
I've been going grocery shopping at Target more frequently and I love this app! It's nice that I don't have to clip coupons and the cashier just has to scan the barcode to apply the savings! Talk about easy!

I have been so organized this week at work and in Nursery that it almost makes my head spin. Sometimes I wish we had the money to organize everything in our house the way I would like it to be but then I think it would make me more OCD and I don't know if my sanity could take it. Ha!

Time to recap!  Last Friday I hung out with my good friend, Brittany and her cute kids. While her toddler was taking a nap, we went swimming! The weather was perfect and hot, so we had fun! I made a point to take selfies with her youngest. Why? Because she's super photogenic and I feel like her cuteness makes me look cuter. We even match!

 I love these girls. I think it's too funny that Brittany strikes a perfect pose even while swimming.

 I sat on the step mostly and played with the baby while mommy swam.

Friday night we went to another concert in the park. The band had some great song choices! This is the view from where were sitting.

On Saturday, Bubs & I met up with family at Olive Garden to celebrate grandpa's 90th birthday. This is my youngest sister, Little Miss. She's like 100% my twin in every way.

 This is my only bro-ski, Big Boy. He got new glasses! I think they look pretty good.
 We wear fancy watches. I was jealous of how big his watch face was.
 We even dress alike! (That day I wore a plain shirt, statement necklace, glasses, skinny jeans, sandals and my cross-body bag. Twinsies!)
 Did I mention it was a surprise? We didn't yell surprise or anything because we were afraid of giving him a heart attack. Ha.
 He doesn't hug. He shakes hands.
Fun fact: everytime he sees either me or Bubs, he asks if we're still married.

Big Boy & I like fancy drinks. He had to Instagram this pic. He Instagrams everything. Seriously. Everything.
Since Little Miss was sitting too far away to talk to, I texted her this.
And this.
And this...
I got the Garlic chicken with garlic "tots" (as Bubs likes to call them).
After the cheeeeeeese.
my brother (from another mother) made me a giraffe out of a straw wrapper. He can make anything.

On Saturday night, Bubs had his first LAN party at his bestie's house in a long time. I think the last time might have been New Year's. He was in hog heaven. I hung out with bestie's wife and their sweet baby girl. It was a good time!
Monday was Labor Day which means we both got the day off! Thank goodness for that! We hung out at my parents' house. Little Miss & I have matching sippies. 
We went to visit Mr. CHiPy at work and shared a picnic lunch! Aren't my parents cute?
My sandwich.
Even when Bubs & I eat the same thing, his plate always looks 100 times better than mine.

I'm so glad this past weekend was so full of fun as well as a little R&R. I am also glad that tomorrow is Friday! I am going to run 150 errands and make a cheesecake. And eat it. And hopefully sleep in...who am I kidding? I won't be able to sleep past 9am...because that is me sleeping in. I hope ya'll are having a super great pre-Friday and I hope you have super fun plans for the weekend! But before I go, I'll leave you with this.
I love this quote. Love is about keeping your promises, even when they're not easy to keep. I wish I could frame this print but I'm too cheap to buy it on Etsy. ($15 for a piece of cute paper?! I mean, really...) I'll probably end up freehanding my own. Fun fact: I'm pretty good at copying fonts. Did I tell you I mdae this?

It's true. It took me like half an hour, but I did it. This is one of the talents I'm working on developing. Practice makes better, right?

Do you have any fun weekend plans? I know I do!