With today being September 11th, I can't help but reflect on where I was on 9/11/01. I was in middle school and was getting ready for the day. I was in the kitchen/living room, so I must have been eating breakfast or something. My mom rushed in and turned on the news. (I looked forward to watching cartoons each morning, so I complained when she changed the channel.) She told me to hush and we watched as the news station played and replayed the footage of the twin towers falling. I didn't know why it was happening. My mom called up family and friends and told them to turn on the news and see. I remember not caring too much because I didn't know anyone involved and also being upset for it disturbing my morning routine. I went to school and we said the pledge of allegiance and had a moment of silence. I didn't understand why everyone cared so much. New York was across the country. In my mind it might as well have been across the globe. To this day I'm still ashamed of my indifference and ignorance. Even though I don't know anyone personally who passed away or had loved ones involved, it still affects me. I am sad for all those that lost loved ones as well as those that are living with this painful memory. I appreciate my loved ones more. I make more of an effort to apologize.
I realize that this life is a short one and that encourages my
spontaneity. I rarely am spontaneous during the work week because I'm.
Just. Too. Tired. But you know what? Sometimes I do
crazy things.
Like eat 7 oreos at a time. Twice in one day. Or stay up past 10pm to
watch a movie with Bubs. I know. I'm out of control.
Thankful Thursday: the gospel of Jesus Christ, the peace that comes through the Atonement, late night jokes, daily reunions, time with family, temple marriage, health, safety, the simple life.
My facebook friend posted
this video. It really put things in perspective.
Where were you on 9/1/01?