
My world.

This little guy is my world. 
Just thought I'd let you know if case you are just now tuning in. ;)


I love going through the car wash!
 A Quick Quack Car Wash opened up near my work, so I stopped in for a free car wash during my morning commute!

 I love grey everything! Clothes, shoes, nails, walls, onesies, you name it!

 Personal shopper! ...but only if I magically had a black card. ;)

We had a great, relaxing Father's Day! Cheers to my Ryan for being the best daddy ever for our little guy!

 He loves bath time! (I had to snag a pic of this cute little bum!)

This little guy loves his bouncer that Grammy Melanie got him! He kicks nonstop when he's in it!

Other updates:
  • Adam is 3 months old!
  • We got approval (finally) to start the repairs on our home.
  • I picked out flooring yesterday! I love it so much! (All the grey things!)
  • Shouldn't be too long before our home in back in one piece! Woohoo! I miss our cute little house!

Thankful Thursday: my sweet little family, technology, nature, being California grown, eternal families, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, friends, air conditioning, air conditioning again!

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I've been slacking. (I know...)
On the upside, here are some updates!

  • We're now going on week 5 of being out of our home.
  • I'm now back at work! It's been so nice to have real conversations with people who can actually respond...and so far I haven't defaulted back to my baby voice, so yay for that. (My super sweet MIL, Melanie, is watching Adam for the summer)
  • We bought Travvy a squatty potty for his bday.

Adam's Updates:
  • SweetAngelBaby will be 3 months old this weekend!!! I cannot believe he's growing up so fast!
  • I weighed him the other day and he was 15.5 lbs!
  • He loves to eat and gets very upset when we take his bottle away so we can burp him.
  • He has recently become aware of the tv/our phones. He tries to crane his head around to watch, but to no avail!
  • He is the happiest boy I know!

My Obsessions:
 These shoes!

Ryan's Obsessions:
  • Making faces at Little Bubbie to get him to smile
  • Taking naps with Little Bubbie
  • The NBA Western Conference Championship
  • Playing that one version of "Snake"
  • Playing Madden

Adam's Obsessions:
  • "Babas" (bottles)
  • Sucking on his fists
  • Kicking
  • Looking around
  • Snorting when he cries
  • Peeing in his bath tub (That gets me every time)
  • Hamming it up!

Thankful Thursday: our little HammieBoy, lemonade, cuddles, communal naps, soft blankets, hope, my testimony, my little eternal family, the temple, eternal truths.

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Life happens.

You guys. A truer statement does not exist in the world. We're currently living back with my in-laws while our floors are being replaced and I start back up to work next week! Aaaah! Meanwhile, Adam is turning into a little chunk, and is the happiest boy there ever was! He is the best!


That time we walked to the lake and hung out for a few hours. I was hoping he'd show interest in the water, but he didn't care one bit. He just ate he whole time. Ha...and then I got lost walking back home, and it ended up being a three mile hike in sandals. Awkward.

Throwback to when Jenn graduated. (Did I previously post this?)

This was the day we found out we needed to evacuate our house so our floors could get ripped out. So I was waiting for Ryan to get home and trying to pack and make a million phone calls and talk to the water mitigation techs at our house and keep Adam happy all at the same time. Talk about stressful.

I love matching with my little guy!

Goodbye floors! 

Elder Arciniaga got to sing the national anthem with these guys at "Mormon night" at a baseball game! How cool is that?! 

My bestie. 

 She's my new favorite...along with BatDad...
(which by some miracle I was able to convert Ryan to!)

 We went on an Arcade date! It was so fun! First off: lemme say that I won at the basketball free throw game...which is some kinda voodoo on my part. Secondly: the Pac Man Air Hockey is INSANE! I thought it was normal air hockey, but as you're playing it periodically spits out lots of pucks! Like first we had one. Then two. Then like 30+! It was a blast! You have to play it.


Grammy & Little Miss bought Adam some cute clothes and blankies! 
He now has a wardrobe at Grammy's house. 

Another Grammy/Little Miss special. Love it!

Memorial Day BBQ. Can't beat the good eats... 

This little sassy is now working the register at our fave shake place. 
Adam & I payed her a visit the other night. 

Still going strong! WOO!!!

Thankful Thursday: family, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, hot water, running water, hugs, technology, my bae. 

Just keep swimming...

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