Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. There's something magical about cold weather, spending time with family, eating yummy food and the general population having good will toward their fellow man. *sigh* I love it all!
Pregnancy Updates:
How far in: 29 weeks!
Feeling: Full! I've had to train myself to eat often, so Baby and I have enough calories to keep us from being hungry 24/7.
Total weight gain: Normal weight gain.
Wearing: Full panel skinnies!
Sleep: I love my sleep.
Miss anything: Being able to bend over easily.
Movement: None yet.
Food cravings: Yogurt and granola.
Labor signs: Thankfully, none.
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby!
Also: I've been getting lots of questions as to when I'm due and what name we have picked out for Baby Boy.
Due date: March 9, 2016
Baby's Name: We've picked the name Adam Wesley for three reasons:
1) I have always loved the name Adam.
2) We chose to pass down Ryan's middle name (Wesley).
3) Ryan loves Batman, and who better to name our child after than actor that played the first Batman: Adam West? Haha. For realsies though. That was a legitimate reason in us picking this name. (That and Bruce Wayne wan't going to fly, even though Ryan was really pushing for it)

- I crashed Ryan's boys night. We saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens on opening night.
- Ryan & I went to my company Christmas Party. We ate at Ella's Restaurant in Midtown. It was so fancy!
- I went to Little Miss' dance Christmas performance. It was the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit, plus the little kids that performed were so cute!
- I had a white elephant gift exchange at work!
Here are pics of my coworkers with their white elephant gifts!
Left: me with the awesome mood calendar that Davina got me
Right: Avina wearing the cape I made for her!
This is my fave emotion on my calendar. :)
Boys night+ Me:
Work Christmas party:
...In the limo bus on the way to Ella's...
...and this is us at dinner! It was so fancy! The shrimp cocktail, deviled eggs and salmon were our favorites!
My Weekly Obsessions:
- Living in the moment. I've been making a conscious effort to ditch my phone and enjoy the company of those I'm with. (You'll notice that my blog has a lot less pictures too. This is because of the aforementioned reason)
- Less screen time. Even when I'm alone, I'm trying to let go of the feeling that I have to be on social media all the time, lest I miss out on something. I've been spending significantly less time on Pinterest and the internet too.
- Reading. I'm currently enjoying Jurassic Park by Michael Crighton. This was one of my favorite books back in high school. I'm trying to read more!
- Crafting. Over the last few weeks I accomplished a few small DIYs and that reaffirmed my love for crafting! It's funny how you forget you love something when you don't do it for a while.
- Simplifying my look. I'm trying to spend less time getting ready and stressing over how I look. Let's be real: its more about the girl and less about her clothes, right?
- Overall, I've been trying really hard to SIMPLIFY my life. Let go of trivial things and focus on what really matters most: living the Gospel, spending time with loved ones, and improving myself.
Ryan's Weekly Obsessions:
- "Not being in school." The semester ended last week and boy, is he happy about that!
- Sleep. This kid has been catching up on his sleep and he has been enjoying every second. (See bullet point #1)
- His Batman socks. He loves them...he especially loves especially loves wearing them to church.
Meme's That I Love:
Thankful Thursday: my sweet Ryan (I'm always thankful for him!), the pure love of Christ, hot showers, hugs, cozy blankets, good books, family time, safe travels, beautiful music that celebrates the birth of the Savior, twinkle lights, silly Christmas movies, well wishes, miracles- big and small.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!