
20 Weeks Update...and BIG NEWS!

Big News:

My brother, Alex, received his mission call! He's been called to serve as an english speaking Elder for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the San Antonio, TX mission! He reports to the Provo Missionary Training Center on December 2nd! Click HERE to read more about the area he will be serving in! Yay, Alex!!!

Prego updates:

My "preggers" shirt is getting a little snug around my middle!

 This top is the second maternity item that I've bought! I got it on sale at Target! I think the color and ruching are pretty fun. 

Update time:

How far in: 20 weeks!
Baby is the size of a/an: Banana! Baby is about 6 inches long!
Feeling: Excited! Ryan and I are so excited to meet our little one! 
Total weight gain: A few pounds. I feel like I weigh a lot more because my belly has increased quite a bit in size. ;)
Wearing: Comfy clothes as much as possible! It might be time to get some maternity leggings.
Sleep: Loving it!
Missing: Feeling comfy while wearing pants with zippers.
Not missing: The crazy dreams I had last week! 
Next doctor's appointment: Tomorrow we'll find out Baby's gender! I've been counting down for so long!
Movement: None yet. I am really looking forward to feeling Baby kick!
Food cravings: Frosted Flakes! 
Labor signs: None.
Looking forward to: Finding out Baby's gender!!! I have a pretty strong feeling I know what Baby is!

Memes I love:

Thankful Thursday: our sweet little family, RYAN, prayer, sweet friends that share in my excitement, tender mercies, A/C during this seemingly endless summer fall, our current situation, the beautiful changing leaves, my loving Heavenly Father. 

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