Weekend/weekly Recap:
This past week...
I borrowed this from the library. It's super good.
Jennifer & Josh came to visit. I arranged for Jeff to take us out on the boat. (Poor Ryan had to work :/ )
They were super crazy.
We were all super maxed afterwards.
I bought and baked a delicious pizza...and then proceeded to drop it on the floor.
The after math. We ate some of it anyway.
My sweet Ryan cleaned up my mess.
Ryan surprised me with these chips. They are my favorite!
We went to the ward Ice Cream Social. I love icecream and hanging out with peeps!
We went to In-N-Out late at night. It was fun. While we were in the drive thru, we watched this video of guys trying on leggings. We laughed pretty hard too.
In our house, we eat healthy things like salads topped with Cheetos.
We made Cherry Delight in preparation for the Father's Day BBQ with my family.
"Let's make the same face."
(I don't know where he gets this from...)
I love her. That is all.
Songs I Love This Week:
- Blind by Lifehouse
- Lips Are Moving by Meghan Trainor
- Animal by Neon Trees
- All Hands on Deck REMIX by Tinashe (the flute solo in this song gets me everytime)
- Paris by Magic Man
- I'm Not Over by Carolina Liar
- Crickets by Drop City Yacht Club
- Hold On by Alabama Shakes
- Come and Get It by Selena Gomez
Random Things I Love For No Reason:
I love this for so many reasons.
This tutorial makes me so happy.
This picture of a baby and a pig.
This life advice from the car in front of me on my morning commute.
Have you played Google Feud?! Its super funny...plus if you pull the little lever in the corner, it plays Chuck Norris videos.
Articles I Love:
- 22 Ways To Subtly Mess With Someone
- Someone replaced the dinosaurs in Jurassic World with cats
- This heartwarming story
- This story about how a semicolon that relates to life
- This blog post about 'staying rooted'
- Elder Perry's last advice to church members
Quotes I Love:
Thankful Thursday: hugs, answers to prayers coming through conversations with others, faith, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Atonement, freedom, RYAN, tender mercies, talents, courage, modern conveniences, hot water, ice cream.
I hope you've had a great week thus far! Do you have any plans this weekend? (Beside playing Google Feud, of course)